Blog Post

WebPT Elves Hard at Work for December Release

The WebPT Members on Santa’s “Nice” List (which is all of them) will see updates and enhancements in their stockings starting on December 17th.

Lindsay Bayuk
5 min read
December 14, 2011
image representing webpt elves hard at work for december release
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These past few weeks, the WebPT elves have been hard at work getting ready for our December release. The WebPT Members on Santa’s “Nice” List (which is all of them) will see updates and enhancements in their stockings starting on December 17th. 

Included in this release are some security enhancements, wrist/hand enhancements, the addition of a patient intake form for those with our Front Office Package, prescription tracking, a Medicare compliance check, and additional referral types.

Thanks to Kelly, Tim, John, Viper, Ryan, Patrick, Jake, and Adam (developers, intern, and graphic designer) for being good sports! They all look fantastic in those Santa hats! Don’t they?


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