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WebPT Brings You the Latest in Local and Federal Legislation affecting PTs: Doctors hiring PTs

Physicians argue having the PT in their office allows them better supervision over care. Electronic Medical Records makes it possible.

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5 min read
November 1, 2010
image representing webpt brings you the latest in local and federal legislation affecting pts: doctors hiring pts
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Should doctors be allowed to hire Physical Therapists for their offices, that is the debate? Physicians argue having the PT in their office allows them better supervision over care. With Electronic Medical Records, referring physicians can have immediate access to complete patient documentation and ongoing care plans.

By Alejandra Cancino Gov. Pat Quinn vetoed Friday a Senate bill that would have allowed doctors to legally hire physical therapists because those partnerships, he said, would increase costs for citizens. In Illinois, patients must have a doctor’s referral to see a physical therapist. But physical therapists can bill insurance providers for their services independently, which is why Quinn vetoed the bill... …The Illinois Physical Therapy Association has long opposed the hiring of physical therapists by doctors because that partnership, the association says, divides profits and becomes a form of fee-splitting, which is illegal.



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two patients holding a physical therapist on their shoulders