Blog Post

4 Video Ideas to Humanize Your PT Business

Learn how to use video to connect with your clinic's online audience and attract new patients to your practice.

Josh Weathers
5 min read
April 29, 2019
image representing 4 video ideas to humanize your pt business
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Video is one of the most—if not the most—engaging types of content on social media. It keeps users’ attention 5 times longer than any other type of post, and it’s also—in my opinion—the best way to humanize your company. After all, it’s in our nature to trust a person over a business. So, if you show your patients (and potential future patients) that your business is filled with genuine people who care about their recovery, they will feel comfortable trusting you with their treatment. Even better, these patients will likely become marketers for your clinic by referring their friends and family to you.

Not sure how to get started with video? Be sure to check out these five easy steps I put together for rehab therapists who’ve decided to dip their toes into the video pool. Once you’ve got a handle on the basics, take a look at these four video ideas you can use to humanize your PT business:

1. Exercise Demonstration Videos

The first idea may be the most obvious, but it’s also the easiest one to execute frequently and consistently. Demonstrating exercises and stretches that your patients can do at home—or when they come into the clinic—will inspire them to stick to their rehab regimen. Plus, it reinforces the perception that your physical therapists are knowledgeable and good at what they do. You can also use these videos to market the types of specialties your clinics are proficient in—without making it feel like an advertisement.

The Prehab Guys have cultivated a following of almost a half-million people on Instagram by perfecting this type of video content. Take a look at the video below for some inspiration. Their videos are simple, yet effective—and anyone can produce similar video content using only a smartphone.




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A post shared by The Prehab Guys®️ (@theprehabguys) on Mar 23, 2019 at 12:36pm PDT

2. Culture Videos

What’s it like to work at your organization? Are you and your co-workers excited to go to work day after day? Hopefully the answer is “yes,” and if that’s the case, you should share that excitement with your community. This sort of energy is contagious, and it’ll entice your followers to come see you should they need any therapy treatment.

For example, I’ve been working at WebPT for almost three years, and I can honestly say that I look forward to going into work every day. Part of WebPT’s culture is providing employees with a fun, engaging work environment. As such, we’re encouraged to go out and participate in community service projects, and each department organizes quarterly team-building activities so people can get to know their teammates in a relaxed, non-work setting. A while ago, we had the opportunity to do a wellness clinic with one of the trainers for the Phoenix Suns. Here’s a short video we shared on social media about all the fun we had.

Next time you and your team get out of the clinic and go into the community, try making a short video to document the event. This could help attract not only new patients, but also potential new employees who want to work with you.

3. Company Origin Story Videos

Cinema in the 2000s was overloaded with origin stories (think Batman, Harry Potter, and Frodo Baggins). Hollywood clearly discovered that when an audience sees and understands the beginning of someone’s story, they connect with that character. Every business also has an origin story. While it may not be as grandiose as a journey to destroy the one ring to rule them all, it’s still a story that people can relate to and want to see.

In the video below, Shveta Jones explains why she decided to create her clinic, Strive PT, and highlights how it’s different from other clinics. More importantly, though, this video shows what kind of person Shveta is—and that, above all, will be the deciding factor for many patients.

I recommend releasing all the videos mentioned in this list on your social channels. This video, however, should also have a prominent home on your website. It will be an effective tool to introduce people to your therapists and clinics.

I plan on creating an in-depth tutorial for this type of video, so be sure to subscribe to our blog so you don’t miss it!

4. Holiday/Event Videos

How does your company like to celebrate holidays? Does everyone in the clinic dress up? This is another chance to show off your clinic’s fun side—and thus, make your employees more relatable. For example, TOPS Physical Therapy in Phoenix created this video for a holiday raffle giveaway. This was a great way for the TOPS team to get their patients to interact with them online—and to continue engaging with past patients after discharge.

I’ve also seen clinics host open house or injury clinic events where members of the public can come in for free screenings and consultations—something that is especially beneficial for new clinics looking to fill their schedules. Video is great for promoting these events.

Have a different idea for a video that can help humanize your business? Share it in the comment section below! And if you have any video-related questions or just want to talk camera gear and f-stops, I’m all ears.


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