
The 7 Deadly Sins of PT Billing

In this webinar, hosts Heidi Jannenga and Mike Manheimer will unveil the seven deadly sins of PT billing and show you the way to getting back in your payers’ good graces.

Heidi Jannenga

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March 30, 2015
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Billing for physical therapy services is tricky, time-consuming, and riddled with ever-evolving rules—which means mistakes are bound to happen. But how many mistakes are you truly making? The occasional oops is one thing, but what if you’re unknowingly flubbing up left and right? That’s a scary thought. Even scarier: you could be flubbing on purpose, because “everyone’s doing it.”

Whether accidental or intentional, actions have consequences, and when it comes to billing for the services you provide, there isn’t a whole lot of room for repentance. That’s why it’s crucial that you understand the dos and don’ts of billing—before those don’ts land your practice in payer purgatory.

In this webinar, hosts Heidi Jannenga and Mike Manheimer will unveil the seven deadly sins of PT billing and show you the way to getting back in your payers’ good graces.

In this session, you’ll learn: 

  • When to bill for reevaluations and progress notes
  • How to use modifier 59 and the 8-minute rule
  • Why you should always charge what you’re worth—and how to bill accordingly
  • How to decipher insurance contracts

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