
Rehab Therapy Billing Live Q&A

Our in-house billing experts answer all your toughest PT billing <span style="white-space: nowrap;">questions live.</span>

Our in-house billing experts answer all your toughest PT billing questions live.

Heidi Jannenga

min watch

September 28, 2020
WebPT video on the webinar
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It’s that time of year again: a time for whispering tales of ghouls, ghosts, and things that go bump in the night—and sharing stories that send shivers down your spine. And if you’re a PT, OT, or SLP, few things are more bone-chilling than denied claims and billing horrors.

But rehab therapy billing blunders aren’t just the stuff of scary midnight stories—in fact, the consequences can be a real nightmare for your revenue cycle management (RCM). And in this day and age, keeping your financials flush and your RCM in tip-top shape is more important than ever. But have no fear: WebPT’s billing experts are here, and they’re ready to tackle your most frightening billing quandaries.

So, join us for a special live Q&A-style webinar at 9:00 AM PDT / 12:00 PM EDT on Tuesday, October 27. During this session, hosts Dr. Heidi Jannenga, PT, DPT, ATC, WebPT Chief Clinical Officer and Co-Founder, and John Wallace, PT, MS, WebPT Chief Business Development Officer of Revenue Cycle Management, will provide a brief overview of physical therapy billing best practices before tackling as many live audience questions as time allows.

So, jot down your most hair-raising billing questions, and register for this can’t-miss event. 

Watched the recording but still searching for your silver bullet answer? Check out the FAQ we compiled from the questions we received during the live event.

In the Meantime

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