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Our PXM Principles: Empowering Rehab Therapy’s Next Evolution

Curious to learn what Practice Experience Management is all about? We’re here to explain our PXM principles and how they apply to the future of rehab therapy.

Mike Willee
5 min read
August 29, 2023
pxm principles with a physical therapist waving at the viewer
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In an industry overflowing with acronyms and abbreviations, we realize adding yet another to the therapist lexicon runs the risk of further scrambling rehab therapists’ brains. But hear us out, because what we’re introducing is not your run-of-the-mill acronym—it is the acronym poised to revolutionize how clinicians deliver care, how practice owners run their businesses, and how patients view and engage with rehab therapy. We call it PXM (Practice Experience Management).

What is practice experience management (PXM)?

PXM isn’t a new product but rather a new approach to how rehab therapists manage every aspect of their practice. Until this point, there’s never been a software platform that connects patients, providers, and administrators—and those gaps have prevented providers from collecting a unified view of patients, optimizing outcomes and retention, and maximizing their billing.  

WebPT is embracing this approach with an end-to-end platform that connects patient care and practice management and covers every step of a patient’s journey. With PXM, you can seamlessly navigate the complexities of modern healthcare—driving greater patient engagement, better patient outcomes, and sustainable practice growth.

Why do we believe in PXM?

WebPT started as a company that was looking to solve a problem experienced by rehab therapists everywhere and to empower rehab therapists to achieve greatness in practice. In the 15 years that have followed, those ideas have been the guiding light for WebPT’s roadmap, and PXM is the natural extension of that work.   

Rehab therapists today are still contending with no shortage of challenges. Clinicians are expected to do more with less, treating a high volume of patients for ever-shrinking payment rates while still meeting the documentation requirements set forth by payers. Patients are seeking more convenience in thebelieveir care, and while technology can help meet those demands while providing more data than ever before, rehab therapists are struggling to effectively collect and leverage that data or to make use of technology in treating patients. On top of all that, there’s still the small matter of running a business, including marketing their practice to new patients and retaining the ones they have—no small feat in an increasingly competitive industry.  

Perhaps the greatest struggle for rehab therapists is wrapping their arms around all of these challenges at once to get a complete picture of their entire practice. There are a lot of technology solutions to help manage the different functions of your practice, but most of those tools aren’t working together—making it impossible to create a connected experience for patients or providers. That’s where PXM can transform rehab therapy—by making it simple for providers to pull out the insights they need on every part of their practice.   

What are our PXM principles?

Any bold new proposal for the future of an industry needs a set of guiding principles that inspired this new way of thinking, and PXM is no different. Here are the ideas that created the foundation PXM is built upon and will inform its growth and evolution moving forward. 

True Connectivity 

The fundamental principle of PXM is to strengthen the connections that are foundational to rehab therapy. That means filling the gaps that prevent providers from getting the information they need, causing patients to achieve lesser outcomes (or stop treatment entirely), and creating extra work for staff.    

Connecting Providers with Their Technology—and Data

Working with technology that isn’t intuitive, doesn’t do what you need, and only provides you with part of the data you need to effectively do your job is a frustration anyone can relate to—but it’s particularly pointed for rehab therapists. The technology you use in your practice should augment the work you do and not work unto itself. PXM is bridging the gap between provider and solution to make it a seamless part of every workflow. 

Beyond intuitive technology, providers need the correct data in order to run an evidence-based practice. One of PXM’s core tenets is leveraging data to make informed decisions—which means collecting and analyzing the data clinicians need for more significant insights into their patient outcomes, operational processes, practice performance, and more.   

Connecting Your Technology Solutions 

Providers have been hindered in their drive for better efficiency by the fact that the disparate technology they use for their clinical and administrative workflows isn’t connected, making it impossible to share the information you need across different software. PXM is about interoperability, meaning that your data is shared across all your software solutions so you don’t have to dig for the data you need.  

Connecting Rehab Therapists with Other Providers

Rehab therapists are continuing to grow in their role as primary care providers for an increasing number of patients. That makes it essential for rehab therapists to be able to work together effectively with other providers to ensure that patients are getting the continuity of care they need. PXM promotes communication, encourages collaboration, and offers greater insights to all care team members—creating a united care experience that contributes to the overall success of the patient, clinician, and industry.

Connecting Your Workflows

Currently, clinicians are held back from greater efficiency by the lack of connectivity between the many parallel workflows it takes to run a practice. PXM promotes interoperability between every part of your practice, from the front office to clinical care to billing and RCM. With integrated workflows and solutions, you can streamline processes and create a cohesive practice experience for patients, providers, and staff.    

Connecting Providers with Patients 

Today’s patients are looking for seamless, convenient interactions with their providers, from their first Google search to their last appointment. More than that, they’re looking to feel heard and understood. PXM places patients at the center of care and offers practices the chance to connect with patients throughout their care journey. PXM makes it easy to understand a patient’s needs, wants, and concerns and to offer easy and convenient options for scheduling, HEPs, and staying in touch between appointments. That increased engagement is going to strengthen the therapeutic alliance and create better outcomes—and higher satisfaction—for patients.  

Connecting with the Future of Rehab Therapy

Value-based care is the next big thing in healthcare, and rehab therapy is well-positioned to take advantage of that trend—provided the profession has hard evidence to demonstrate its value. PXM gives providers the tools—and most importantly, the data—to make their case as the most efficient and cost-effective care for better outcomes.   

In order to position themselves as key players, rehab therapists must constantly look to how they can continue to evolve, improve, and become more efficient. PXM emphasizes a commitment to continuous growth and improvement through constant feedback from team members as well as analysis of practice data. By embracing PXM, rehab therapists are committing to transforming their practices and the profession as a whole. 

How does WebPT deliver on PXM?

Principles are all well and good, but providers want to know how PXM is going to help improve their daily work with patients. To make it easy, we’ve placed our solutions into three main buckets that reflect the key drivers of practice success. 

Increased Patient Engagement with Engage

WebPT Engage delivers a single, unified patient profile that makes it easier to deliver intelligence-driven interactions at every step along the patient journey. With our suite of interoperable Engage solutions, you can combine the tools and data you need for better patient acquisition with engagement strategies that increase patient adherence and retention while measuring satisfaction.   

Improved Clinical Operations and Decision-making with Care

WebPT Care allows providers to offer the convenient, personal care that patients demand while also providing the tools they need to efficiently document that care. In turn, patients can seamlessly go through the scheduling process into patient intake and benefits verification—all before they set foot in your office. With an EMR working in concert with your workflows and other software, you can easily document patient care and share that data across your practice for more efficient processes.   

Streamlined Back-office Operations with Monetize

With declining reimbursements remaining rehab therapy’s biggest challenge, it’s essential for providers to collect every dollar they're owed. WebPT Monetize streamlines the billing and revenue cycle management processes so that back-office staff can easily scrub claims, reconcile payments, and track outstanding balances to help maximize reimbursements and fuel your practice’s growth.  

Identifying Trends and Opportunities with WebPT Practice Intelligence

The powerful analytics tools Members have come to expect are now part of what we’re calling WebPT Practice Intelligence. With Practice Intelligence, providers can build customizable dashboards to collect the data they need, with exclusive education resources to help decode that data. And those insights can be leveraged to optimize workflows and practice performance and continue improving operational efficiency.  

Safeguarding Your Data with Central Administration and Security 

You can also count on WebPT’s continued commitment to industry-leading data protection and security. Our Central Administration and Security capabilities provide Members with a HIPAA-compliant platform that adheres to ISO-27001 standards, in addition to multi-factor authentication and role-based permission features to further security. And with Interoperability, you’ll have the flexibility to integrate with over 60 leading vendors to support your business needs.  

Imagine a world where rehab therapy is not just a collection of buzzwords and initiatives, but a cohesive and connected platform that truly advances the industry. That world exists, and it's called PXM. By bringing together the best ideas and practices from across the field, PXM is transforming the way we approach patient care and helping therapists tackle the challenges of today. With PXM, we can build a brighter future for rehab therapy and the patients who rely on it.


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