
Make Google Do It: How to Use the Internet to Win More Patients

Learn strategies for improving your online visibility and driving more new patients to your practice.

Get more positive reviews, optimize your website and content to boost your ranking provide strategies for digital marketing and so much more!

Heidi Jannenga

min watch

February 20, 2019
WebPT video on the webinar
Webinar Presenters
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A quiet day in the clinic can be nice every once in a while, but if you’re constantly scrambling to fill your schedule, staying profitable is going to be tough. After all, you’ve got bills to pay, and to bring in revenue, you’ve gotta bring in patients.

But, how do you find them? It might sound a little strange, but the best place to look for patients is exactly where they’re looking for you: online. Chances are, at some point, you’ve turned to your favorite search engine to help you solve a problem. Well, your patients are doing the same. They’re scouring the web to find solutions to their pain and mobility issues—and you can help Google guide them right to your practice. All it takes is a little digital marketing savvy.

Ready to up your marketing game, attract new patients, and even retain existing ones—all without leaving your desk? Join Dr. Heidi Jannenga, PT, DPT, ATC, WebPT President and Co-Founder, and Scott Hebert, PT, DPT, WebPT Director of Product Management for its Reach product, for our webinar at 9:00 AM PDT (10:00 AM MDT/11:00 AM CDT/12:00 PM EDT) on Wednesday, April 17, 2019.

During the webinar, our hosts will:

  • Discuss ways to get more positive online patient reviews;
  • Explain how to optimize your website and content to boost your Google ranking; and
  • Provide strategies for digital ads, marketing automation, and so much more!

Want to sharpen your digital marketing skills even further? Check out our FAQ to see answers to the most common questions that were asked during the presentation.

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