Blog Post

How to Better Manage Your Staff Within WebPT

See how WebPT can help you better manage your staff. We know that businesses are ecosystems. See how WebPT can help yours thrive, here!

Courtney Lefferts
5 min read
January 11, 2016
image representing how to better manage your staff within webpt
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Businesses are like ecosystems—and that analogy certainly applies to rehab therapy practices. There are many factors that influence how a business operates. Everything has to be in balance; otherwise, every part of your practice feels the impact—from your patients to your front office staff.

So, how do you keep your ecosystem healthy? Part of it comes from having the right staff—and a solid management system—in place. But, you also need the right tools to propel your practice forward. And that’s exactly where WebPT fits in. Here’s how you can use our tools to better manage the staff in your practice:

Productivity Report

Employee productivity is essential to success for any business. And while it might seem like your staff members are equally productive across the board, that might not be the case. In WebPT, you can use the Productivity Report to see how evenly distributed your staff’s patient load is. This report:

  • Shows you the number of patients each therapist has seen.
  • Displays how many notes have been finalized for those patients.
  • Enables filtering by specific timeline and insurance type.

If, after running this report, you find that one therapist is over-worked—or others aren’t finishing their notes—then you can use that data to have meaningful conversations with your staff and adjust their schedules accordingly.

Missed Notes Report

When you use WebPT’s Scheduler, you get access to the Missed Notes Report. This report gives you a glimpse into forgotten documentation—and, consequently, lost revenue. Everyone gets busy, and it’s imperative you frequently check this report to find out which appointments don’t have corresponding completed notes. When a note is left incomplete, you won’t have a claim for that date of service—which means you won’t get paid. To combat this, simply run this report and check on the status of notes from any range of time. You also can sort the report by provider, document status, or appointment date. And as is true with the other reports in WebPT, you can generate a PDF or export this data to Excel for further manipulation.

At a Glance

One way to easily check on your staff’s progress is to use the “At a Glance” section of WebPT. There, you’ll find:

  • Fax Alerts
  • Expired Authorizations
  • Expired Prescriptions

These alerts show you how well your front-office staff is keeping patient information updated. Plus, because the alerts automatically appear on your dashboard, you don’t have to worry about running any reports to locate timely information.

Custom Appointment Types

If you’ve been keeping up with the WebPT Blog—or checking your dashboard within WebPT—you saw that we recently released custom appointment types that include custom color-coding options. Using these appointment types, you could—for instance—block off time on your therapists’ schedules for education. So, after conveniently purchasing discounted CEU courses in the WebPT Marketplace, you can book time on your therapists’ schedules so they can knock out their educational endeavors. You also can use this feature to booked staff meetings and one-on-ones.

Other Time-Saving Tips

We’ve developed some other features included in a WebPT membership to help you and your staff spend more time with patients and less time on documentation and administrative tasks. Here are some of our biggest time-savers:

  • Custom Initial Exam Profiles make it easy for administrators to create a standard set of tests and measures and then share that set with their staff. This way, you can set up profiles for some of the more commonly-seen conditions in your clinic, saving everyone time.
  • Automatic appointment reminders take some of the patient contact burden off of your front office staff. Once you set up your messages and select your default settings, our system automatically takes care of reminder calls, emails, and texts for patient appointments.
  • The Favorites feature of our ICD-10 coding tool allows you to save the codes you use over and over. Simply mark the star icon next to the code to start saving your favorite codes—and time. 

For more details on how each of these functions works, check out the WebPT Knowledge Base.

So, there you have it. Every part of your clinic is connected, and there are tools you can use to make them work together more harmoniously. But, if the ecosystem “kumbaya” mentality isn’t your bag, don’t worry. No matter which way you look at it, all of us here at WebPT aim to help you be better in business—period.


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