Blog Post

Ad sponsored by APTA had impact on Medicare

Scott Ward writes a letter talking about the importance of strength in numbers in urging Congress to pass legislation to extend the therapy cap exceptions.

Heidi Jannenga
5 min read
December 6, 2010
image representing ad sponsored by apta had impact on medicare
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Scott Ward, APTA President, writes a letter talking about the importance of "strength in numbers" in urging Congress to pass legislation to extend the therapy cap exceptions process beyond December 31.

A full-page ad on the detrimental effects of the therapy cap on Medicare beneficiaries ran yesterday in Roll Call and Politico – the two newspapers most widely read by members of Congress and their staff. The ad, sponsored by APTA and other members of the Therapy Cap Coalition, calls on Congress to "protect your constituents who need your help the most."

Read a message from APTA President Scott Ward, PT, PhD, (link below)on the importance of "strength in numbers" in urging Congress to pass legislation to extend the therapy cap exceptions process beyond December 31. To receive updates on actions and legislation related to the Medicare therapy cap, join PTeam.

Letter from Scott Ward


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