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9 Small Business Tech Tools for Your Clinic

WebPT create a list of business tech tools to help you and your small business become more profitable. You may not recognize all these tools!

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5 min read
May 18, 2012
image representing 9 small business tech tools for your clinic
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As a small business, there are tons of apps, websites, and digital tools you can use to help you manage, market, and grow your practice. Here, I break down nine small biz wonders to aid you and your clinic.


1.)    LinkedIn 

If you’re not yet on LinkedIn, it’s officially time to sign up. LinkedIn is the ultimate networking site. You can communicate with physicians and customers, both of which can provide great feedback, reviews, and referrals. From winning business and raising capital to discovering best practices and giving advice, there are a myriad of other ways you can use LinkedIn, all for free.

2.)    Pinterest 

Now the third most popular social media network, Pinterest takes brainstorming to a whole new level. Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. You set up categorical “boards,” and then “pin” webpages to each one. Everything you “pin,” others can see and re-pin to their own boards, and vice versa. From planning new clinics to organizing exercises, PTs are using Pinterest. In fact, PediaStaff has a weekly “Pinterest Pin for Discussion” series in which they present a problem and users brainstorm a solution via a Pinterest board.

PartnerUp focuses on the needs of small business owners and entrepreneurs. On this message board-style site, you can find business partners, post help wanted/volunteer ads, and get answers to business (or PT) questions. Doing a simple search for “physical therapy” brought up numerous PT discussion forums, users, and businesses, all ready to connect with you. 


4.)    Dropbox 

Like WebPT, Dropbox is in the cloud—entirely web-based. With this app, you can upload up to 2 gigs of files for free. You can then access these files from anywhere and at any time from your desktop, laptop, or mobile device. Watch their nifty intro video to learn more. 

5.)    Evernote
Have some favorite videos, articles, or webpages? Need to make a to-do list? Evernote is your answer. This free organizational app allows you to save basically anything into one easy-to-use app. Upload notes, capture photos, create to-do lists, record voice reminders, and Evernote makes them completely searchable, whether you are at work or on the go. 

6.)    Google Currents 

Google Currents takes your favorite publications and makes them mobile device or tablet-friendly. With Currents, you can browse, read, and share your favorite content, which all displays in fast-loading, swipable magazine format. And with personalized “trends,” you can stay up-to-date with content that specifically matches your interests.


7.)    Google Alerts 

Google Alerts are emails sent to you whenever Google finds new results—such as webpages, newspaper articles, or blogs—that match your search term(s). So you can create alerts for your name and the name of your practice, and Google will email you anytime those terms are mentioned online. Like everything Google, setting up alerts is quick and easy.

8.)    Yahoo! Marketing Dashboard

You want to know what folks online are saying about you and your clinic. But following your brand on social sites can be daunting. Yahoo! Marketing Dashboard simplifies things. With this free tool, you can easily see what people on Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, and other sites are saying about you and (based on the Dashboard’s advice) react appropriately.

9.)    Moo

Every business needs business cards, and what better (and prettier!) source than Moo? Moo, an award-winning online print business, produces quality prints at great rates. And the cow doesn’t stop at business cards. You can order branded envelopes, postcards, greeting cards, stickers, and labels. 

That’s my list! Did I miss anything? What other small business websites, apps, or tools help you manage and grow your clinic? 


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